Sep 21, 2017
So, you want to get a new iPhone? Check out our tips for preparing and upgrading to the next new thing! Listen to considerations, trade-offs, and thoughts on the future of the iPhone user experience as Dave and Melissa discuss the September 12 “Apple Event." Full show notes are at
Apple Event Breakdown
How to Pick Out an iPhone That's Right for You
“Compare iPhone models” — Apple
We discuss factors you should consider when purchasing a new iPhone: size of the hardware, what kinds of cases will fit, storage capacity, timing, cost, and protection.
Refurb Tracker is a good resource for tracking when refurbished iPhones & iPads (and other Apple gear) go on sale
B&H Photo is a good place to order online because they do not charge sales tax or shipping
Apple provides for an Education Discount, but your school must be participating in the program.
Be sure to consider protecting your investment by reviewing warranty and insurance plans. Look at your carrier’s offering and compare the features and cost to AppleCare or SquareTrade. Some carrier plans cover theft while others only cover specific types of damage.
Is it a trade-off or a true disadvantage?
Tips for Preparing to Upgrade to iOS 11
1. Get to know new features before you upgrade.
“What’s new in iOS 11” — Apple
2. Update your security to 2-Factor Authentication.
3. Use iMazing to back up and even
upgrade your device to iOS 11.
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• Meta: ITWIOS 013 The Future of iPhone was recorded September 20, 2017. “Please Listen Carefully” by Jahzzar is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. In Touch with iOS is an independently produced podcast, publication and social identity and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. All other Apple Inc. trademarks discussed are property of Apple Inc. A full list of Apple trademarks is available here. Sometimes we use affiliate links for products in show notes. Unless otherwise noted, these products or services are not a sponsor. Your patronage helps to support our content production at no additional cost to you and does not alter our honest opinion of said product or service.