Nov 20, 2017
Dave has an iPhone X and more iOS updates have been released.
Melissa wants to know just how stealthy is an iPhone X? Dave
demonstrates Animoji and hilarity ensues. It’s soon time for
Thanksgiving in the US and that means lots of food followed by lots
of shopping. We list apps and websites to check for scoping out the
best deals on iOS gear and app sales. Full show notes are at
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It just wouldn’t have been a successful iPhone X launch if Dave had not obtained one for himself on 11/03 so he gives us a full review on how it was purchased and set up. He discusses his change of heart from the iPhone 8 Plus and explains how it does take a little time getting used to no home button and swiping up to close apps. Melissa has lots of questions about the new gestures and the stealthiness of iPhone X as they discuss Face ID vs Touch ID and many other features and comparisons between the two iPhone models.
Animojis are so much fun! Link to Monkey Animoji
iOS 11.1.2 is
out, go get it — 9to5 Mac
Most fixes are for iPhone X, but it's an update to all devices
running iOS
• Apple pushes HomePod release to early 2018 — TechCrunch
• “iPad Pro — What’s a computer?” — Apple
What deals are we hoping to find for Black Friday and Cyber Monday?
• Apple Store app sometimes has deals and give-aways so scroll all the way to the bottom of the Discover area to check them out
• App Store app will likely showcase lots of deals on apps – both reduced pricing and free so be sure to scope out the App Store after eating that big plate of food
• We like checking Amazon for deals on iOS gear
• Square Trade might offer deals on their device insurance plans that may compete with Apple’s AppleCare+
• B&H Photo has
an Apple Buying Guide.
• Target has an app to help you
scout out their deals on Apple gear
• App Advice is an app with a
website for reviewing apps and
their sales.
You may also want to check out their Daily App Advice app.
AppZapp Notify helps you find
both iOS and Mac apps that have gone on sale or have been
updated. is a good social sharing
website. Their AppShopper Social app hasn’t
been updated for iOS 11, but their email newsletter has been
Check out apps shared by Melissa by viewing her AppShopper user page.
Contact: email us • like
our Facebook
page, tweet @InTouchwithiOS, @TheMacMommy or @daveg65
Meta: ITWIOS 017 Resistance is Futile was recorded November 19, 2017. “Please Listen Carefully” by Jahzzar is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. In Touch with iOS is an independently produced podcast, publication and social identity and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. All other Apple Inc. trademarks discussed are property of Apple Inc. A full list of Apple trademarks is available here. Sometimes we use affiliate links for products in show notes. Unless otherwise noted, these products or services are not a sponsor. Your patronage helps to support our content production at no additional cost to you and does not alter our honest opinion of said product or service.